
Social Media Report Template [Google Slides]

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Easy-to-Use Social Media Marketing Reporting Template

Are you tracking your social media marketing efforts?

Reports play a key factor in strategy. If you're not reporting on social media marketing efforts, it's critical to start now. But how do you get started? Data analytics platforms can be pretty expensive. If you're looking at SuperMetrics, you'll have to cough up $239+ monthly to capture Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin data.
That can be a heavy ask for smaller companies that are still in the process of growing their platforms.

Social media tracking doesn't have to be this expensive. There are other avenues to measuring performance.

Social Media Marketing Template Overview

We created an easy-to-update social media marketing reporting template for Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter analytics. In this template, you can manually insert the previous month's metrics. Simply go to the analytics dashboards that Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter have to offer. Then, manually pull numbers and insert them into the report.

When finished, download the slides as a PDF and use them in your next monthly performance meeting.

How to Download the Report

To use this template, you'll need to duplicate the presentation.

Go to File > Make a copy > Entire presentation

Go to File > Make a copy > Entire presentation

How to Customize the Theme

To update the theme colors and backgrounds, go to "Edit Theme." Use the "help" search bar to find this tab. Next, make the design changes to match your company's branding.  

Use the "help" search bar to find "Edit Theme"

Wrap Up

We hope this helps you get started with social media marketing analytics tracking. Contact us if you have any questions or need help with social media analytics and reporting.